Sierra Nevada Classic Fitness Expo Competitor Guide
The members of the Sierra Nevada Classic welcome you! Whether you have competed in a fitness competition before or not, our team is here to support you on your path to success. Our mission is to provide you with a first-class experience. We have an all-star judges panel, the highest quality tanning products and technicians and a professional make-up artist, all at Chico’s premium venue, the BMU Auditorium at Chico State. All this plus professional photographers and videographers to capture all your special moments for a lifetime! We look forward to your performance on stage.
We hope that you can enter the stage with a smile knowing that your hard work and dedication was worth it. We also hope that you take pride in knowing that by participating in this event you have helped give back to a great cause. A portion of all event proceeds is being donated to an organization focused on the rebuilding of paradise. #Buttestrong
All tickets can be purchased online at Americanfitnesscontests.com. Click on Sierra Nevada Classic 2019 Tickets/Registration under our Physique & Bikini Contest dropdown. On Sncfitexpo.com tickets can be purchased under the “Tickets” tab. Trainers must have a general admission ticket aside from their Trainer Pass. Trainer Passes will be valid for backstage entry through entire event. Please wear long sleeves and pants when sitting in the auditorium to avoid getting tan on the seats.
Our VIP Tickets get you the best seating and allows admission to both the morning and evening show.

Our official tanner is Local Girl Spray Tanning, the sister company to Liquid Sun Rayz. The same solution and same technicians! They will be offering tanning services right next door to our check-in room at the Oxford Suites from 4:30pm-9:30pm the day of check-in, Friday, September 6th. By booking your tan through our official tanner you can be sure that the technicians will be with you until the time you walk out on stage and will provide any touch ups and glazing you need. No other tanners will be allowed back stage.
If you aren’t already familiar with Liquid Sun Rayz, they have been tanning at many major physique competitions all throughout the United States and carry only high-quality tanning products. Their products have been researched and developed with moisturizing agents and quality ingredients that are beneficial for your skin containing no alcohol or acetone. So, come prepared and prepped ready for your tan. Start by booking your tan online through their affiliate website Local Girl Tanning.
Chico Modeling’s Proffessional MA, Haley Ponder, will be offering make-up services backstage for your convenience. Competition make up is an essential just like your posing suit and tan, you want to make sure it is quality. You will be judged on your overall look. Making sure your make-up is applicated properly so you don’t look washed out or don’t blend well is important. She will provide make-up services for a flat rate of $65 per person. This includes full stage make-up and a lash application. You can book your make-up services the day of check-ins or ahead of time on americanfitnesscontests.com in the Competition Services tab under the Physique & Bikini Contest dropdown
- Schedule is subject to change. See online schedule for any changes at Americanfitnesscontest.com in the Order of Events tab under the Physique & Bikini Contest dropdown.
Friday, September 6, 2019
4:30 – 9:30 PM | Registration and MANDATORY weight/height check-in for Men’s Bodybuilding, Women’s Bodybuilding, Classic Physique, Men’s Physique, Women’s Figure, and Women’s Bikini. |
4:30 – 9:30 PM | Tanning Services Available located next to Check-In |
*6:30 PM* | Mandatory Athletes Meeting |
Saturday, September 7, 2019
9:00 AM | Doors open to public for Pre-Judging for all Divisions at the Bell Memorial Auditorium |
9:15 AM | Pre-Judging Begins |
12 – 5:30 PM | Intermission |
9:15 PM | Doors open for finals at the Bell Memorial Union Auditorium |
6:00 PM | Finals for all Divisions & Awards Ceremony |
9:15 PM | Official VIP afterparty TBA |

Address: W 2nd St, Chico, CA 95928
Parking: Parking along the street and across from the venue will be free.

- Date: Friday, September 6th
- Time: 4:30pm
- Address: 2035 Business Ln, Chico, CA
- Date: Friday, September 6th
- Check-ins, competitor meeting, and tanning will take place at the Oxford Suites Hotel
Website: https://www.oxfordsuiteschico.com/
- Please bring your own bed sheets, pillow cases, bathing towels, etc. to avoid staining (tanning products) hotel property. Staining hotel property may result in extra room charges.
- Mandatory weigh-in/ check-ins for all competitors. No Weigh-Ins / Check-Ins on Saturday, September 7th.
- If you have not yet registered, you may register at this time. You may also purchase additional cross-over classes, and tanning. Bodybuilders will be weighed-in wearing only their posing trunks.
- Music: ALL music for Bodybuilders and Classic Physique will be collected at the Check-in/Weigh-in. Contestants must supply their own music – no more than 90 seconds. Posing music must be the ONLY music on the USB drive. NO vulgar music is permitted. All Bodybuilding and Classic Physique music will begin when the competitors name is announced. We cannot guarantee that your music will be played but we will do our best.
Competitor Divisions
ORDER OF EVENTS (Both Prejudging & Finals):
Men’s Physique – Women’s Figure – Men’s Bodybuilding – Women’s Bodybuilding – Classic Physique – Bikini
You may bring Dumbbells / Weights /Exercise Bands – AFC, Oxford Suites, & Chico State is not responsible for lost or broken equipment
Men’s Physique Open – 2 Height Classes
A – up to and including 5’9″
B – 5’10” and over
Physique Masters 40+ – 1 Height class
Figure Open – 2 Height Classes
A – up to and including 5’5″
B – 5’6″ and over
Figure Masters 35+ – 1 Height class
Men’s Bodybuilding Open – 3 Weight Classes
Lightweight – up to and including 165 lbs
Middleweight – 166 lbs, up to and including 187 lbs
Heavyweight – 188 lbs & over
Men’s Bodybuilding Masters 40+ – 1 Weight Class
Women’s Bodybuilding
Lightweight – up to and including 125 lbs
Middleweight – over 125 lbs up to and including 140 lbs
Heavyweight – over 140 lbs
Women’s Bodybuilding Masters 35+ – one weight class
Men’s Classic Physique Open – 2 Height Classes
A – up to and including 5’9″
B – 5’10” and over
Bikini Open – 2 Height Classes
A – up to and including 5’5″
B – 5’6″ and over
Bikini Masters 35+ – 1 Height class
Competition Preparations

- All athletes in your class will line up backstage when called by the expeditor
- Each athlete will be called out by name to perform their individual routines
- Walk to the center of the back of stage. Strike Pose 1 at first “X”. Model walk to the front stage “X” and perform 3-4 poses
- Return backstage to the end of the line once complete.
- After all individual routines and poses are complete, all athletes will be called back on stage as a group, walk towards the diagonal lines as instructed by the expeditor, filling the stage left line first, finishing at the stage right line
- First Callouts- Judges will call 5 competitors at a time, running competitors through mandatory poses. The stage expeditor will assist in identifying athletes in the call out and moving them to the appropriate spot as the judges requests.
- This will continue until all athletes have been called. Competitors will then exit stage right (If you are facing the stage) and next class will proceed with the same process.
- Bodybuilding & Men’s Classic Physique competitors will perform their personal routines at both prejudging and finals
- Bikini, Figure & Men’s Physique
- All athletes in your class will line up backstage when called by the expeditor
- Each athlete will be called out by name to perform their individual routines
- Walk to the center of the back of stage. Strike Pose 1 at first “X”. Model walk to the front stage “X” and perform 3-4 poses
- Return backstage to the end of the line once complete.
- After all individual routines and poses are complete, all athletes will be called back on stage as a group, walk towards the diagonal lines as instructed by the expeditor, filling the stage left line first, finishing at the stage right line
- First Callouts- Judges will call 5 competitors at a time, running competitors through mandatory poses. The stage expeditor will assist in identifying athletes in the call out and moving them to the appropriate spot as the judges requests.
- This will continue until all athletes have been called
- The entire group will be on stage as awards are called. After first place is called, non-placing competitors will leave exiting stage left.
Things to bring to the competition
- Posing Suit
- Your top supporters
- Donations for Catalyst
- Gym bag for your clothes and food. Avoid carrying heavy bags over your shoulders, you don’t want your tan to rub off. Use a roller bag or carry your bag in your hand.
- Prepped food, snack, and supplements. Best to bring supplements in ziplocks so they are easy to carry.
- Resistance bands – weights will not be allowed back stage and resistance bands are a fantastic way to get pumped up back stage
- Towel – prepare to sweat
- Proper Clothing – You will be covered in tanning so wear dark colors. Loose clothes such as a light jogging suit jacket or a silk robe are best to keep your tan intact. Flip flops are also best to wear to protect your tan as well.
- Bodybuilders and Classic Physique bring the music for your routines to check-ins. They must be on a USB drive. Other divisions do not need to bring music. (We cannot guarantee your music will be played but will do our absolute best.)
Things NOT to bring
- ALL TANNING OILS AND TANNING PRODUCTS ARE STRICTLY PROHIBITED AT THE BMU AUDITORIUM. Local Girl Tanning will be backstage to provide you with touch-ups.
Follow us on Social Media for up to the minute information and changes.
You can find us at https://www.facebook.com/americanfitnesscontests/
Also, follow us on Instagram @sierranevadaclassicfitnessexpo. Hashtag your photos with #sncfitexpo for a possible repost! We know that you will have a memorable experience at the Sierra Nevada Classic Fitness Expo!